public function directPostUpdate()
public function directPostInsert()
public function directPostDelete()
public function get_browser_language_code($available_languages = [], $default = 'en'): string
$browser_languages = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
if (empty($available_languages)) {
return substr($browser_languages[0], 0, 2);
foreach ($browser_languages as $language) {
$language = substr($language, 0, 2);
if (in_array($language, $available_languages)) {
return $language;
return $default;
public function getUserLang()
return \Helper::getUserLanguage(\SucUser::ID());
public function urlCacheTransformer(array $urlCacheConfig) {
"Undefined array key "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE""
public function directPostUpdate()
public function directPostInsert()
public function directPostDelete()
public function get_browser_language_code($available_languages = [], $default = 'en'): string
$browser_languages = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
if (empty($available_languages)) {
return substr($browser_languages[0], 0, 2);
foreach ($browser_languages as $language) {
$language = substr($language, 0, 2);
if (in_array($language, $available_languages)) {
return $language;
return $default;
public function getUserLang()
return \Helper::getUserLanguage(\SucUser::ID());
public function urlCacheTransformer(array $urlCacheConfig) {
$browserLang = $page->get_browser_language_code( [ 'it', 'fr', 'de' ] ) ;
$userLang = $page->getUserLang();
$browserMap = ["it" => "ita", "fr" => "fra", "de" => "ger"];
$userMap = [0 => "ger", 1 => "ita", 2 => "fra"];
$langB = issetor($browserMap[$browserLang], null);
$langU = issetor($userMap[$userLang],null);
$lang = $langU != null ? $langU : ($langB != null ? $langB : "ger");
$title_lang = "title_".$lang;
$content_lang = "content_".$lang;
$snippet_lang = "snippet_".$lang;
<title><?php echo static::e($page->$title_lang); ?></title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/design/frontend/css/app.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<?php echo $this->runChild('views.datenschutz'); ?>
<?php if(isset($page->style_css)): ?>
<?php echo $page->style_css; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<?php echo $page->$content_lang; ?>
<?php if(!empty($page->{$snippet_lang})): ?>
<div id="journeyform"></div>
* Evaluates a compiled file using the current variables
* @param string $compiledFile full path of the compile file.
* @param array $variables
* @return string
* @throws Exception
protected function evaluatePath($compiledFile, $variables)
// note, the variables are extracted locally inside this method,
// they are not global variables :-3
// We'll evaluate the contents of the view inside a try/catch block so we can
// flush out any stray output that might get out before an error occurs or
// an exception is thrown. This prevents any partial views from leaking.
try {
/** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */
include $compiledFile;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return \ltrim(\ob_get_clean());
* @param array $views array of views
* @param array $value
* @return string
* @throws Exception
public function includeFirst($views = [], $value = [])
foreach ($views as $view) {
if ($this->templateExist($view)) {
return $this->runChild($view, $value);
return '';
if (!$runFast) {
// a) if the compile is forced then we compile the original file, then save the file.
// b) if the compile is not forced then we read the datetime of both file and we compared.
// c) in both cases, if the compiled doesn't exist then we compile.
if ($view) {
$this->fileName = $view;
$result = $this->compile($view, $forced);
if (!$this->isCompiled) {
return $this->evaluateText($result, $variables);
} else {
// running fast, we don't compile neither we check or read the original template.
if ($view) {
$this->fileName = $view;
$this->isRunFast = $runFast;
return $this->evaluatePath($this->getCompiledFile(), $variables);
* Evaluates a text (string) using the current variables
* @param string $content
* @param array $variables
* @return string
* @throws Exception
protected function evaluateText($content, $variables)
// We'll evaluate the contents of the view inside a try/catch block so we can
// flush out any stray output that might get out before an error occurs or
// an exception is thrown. This prevents any partial views from leaking.
try {
eval(' ?>' . $content . '<?php ');
} catch (Exception $e) {
* run the blade engine. It returns the result of the code.
* @param $view
* @param array $variables
* @return string
* @throws Exception
public function run($view, $variables = [])
$mode = $this->getMode();
$forced = $mode & 1; // mode=1 forced:it recompiles no matter if the compiled file exists or not.
$runFast = $mode & 2; // mode=2 runfast: the code is not compiled neither checked and it runs directly the compiled
$this->sections = [];
if ($mode == 3) {
$this->showError("run", "we can't force and run fast at the same time", true);
return $this->runInternal($view, $variables, $forced, true, $runFast);
* Start a component rendering process.
* @param string $name
* @param array $data
* @return void
public function startComponent($name, array $data = [])
if (\ob_start()) {
$this->componentStack[] = $name;
$this->componentData[$this->currentComponent()] = $data;
$this->slots[$this->currentComponent()] = [];
foreach ($pagesLegacy as $slug => $config) {
SucRouter::Route($slug, function () use ($config) {
$page = \PageModel::find($config[\UrlCache::BASE_DATA]['id']);
if ($page->redirect !== "") {
$blade = new \mySucBlade(
get_include_path() . "modules/frontend",
get_include_path() . "uploads/cache/applets"
echo $blade->run("views.fullPage", array("page" => $page));
return true;
public function MyContent() {
echo $this->blade->run("views.base", []);
public function Profile() {
echo $this->blade->run("views.base", []);
return false;
//we have a predefined route class
if ($this->activeRoute->static === true && $this->routeClass !== null) {
// check for a match again (more in detail) and use that method to set the required data
if ($routeClass->isMatch($uriParts['path'])) {
return $routeClass->run();
// we have a direct call closure;
if (
$this->activeRoute->method !== null &&
is_object($this->activeRoute->method) &&
($this->activeRoute->method instanceof \Closure)
) {
$status = $this->activeRoute->method->call($this);
if ($status === false) {
return false;
return true;
// a class is defined as target
if ($this->activeRoute->class !== null && class_exists($this->activeRoute->class)) {
$class = new $this->activeRoute->class;
// has a method?
if ($this->activeRoute->method !== null) {
$method = $this->activeRoute->method;
return $class->$method();
} else {
// everything will happen in the constructor
return $class;
public static function getListView()
if (self::$instance == null) {
return false;
$url = "/module/" . self::$instance->fetchRouteParams(false)["module"];
return $url;
public static function Start()
if (self::$instance == null) {
return false;
if (!self::$instance->hasRun) {
self::$instance->hasRun = true;
$status = self::$instance->match();
if ($status === false) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'])) {
return true;
if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) && file_exists($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
if ($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] !== "/index.php") {
return true;
$callable = self::$instance->errorBehavior;
if (is_object($callable) && ($callable instanceof \Closure)) {
return false;
if (file_exists(get_include_path() . "/core/storage/modelCache/modelCache.php") && array_key_exists("BCREGISTRYNAMEDROUTES", $_SESSION) && $_SESSION["BCREGISTRYNAMEDROUTES"] == true) {
include_once get_include_path() . "/core/storage/modelCache/modelCache.php";
if (file_exists(get_include_path() . "/core/storage/routerCache/routerCache.php") && array_key_exists("BCREGISTRYNAMEDROUTES", $_SESSION) && $_SESSION["BCREGISTRYNAMEDROUTES"] == true) {
include_once get_include_path() . "/core/storage/routerCache/routerCache.php";
if (isset($GLOBALS['USE_ROUTING']) && $GLOBALS['USE_ROUTING'] == true) {
// routing anything is not required if we're in the cli
if (\SucConfig::IsTrue('CLI_IN_USE')) {
private function isGuestUsageActive()
private function logUserActivities()
if (array_key_exists("admin", $_SESSION["BCREGISTRY"]) || array_key_exists("useractivities", $_SESSION["BCREGISTRY"])) {
include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/modules/useractivities/bc/useractivitiesbuscomp.class.php";
$ubc = new UseractivitiesBusComp();
$userType = intval(\SucConfig::Get("loggingUser"));
include 'core/bc/buscomp.class.php';
include 'core/ic/csvintcomp.class.php';
include 'core/applets/applet.class.php';
include 'core/toolbars/toolbar.class.php';
include 'core/drilldowns/drilldown.class.php';
include 'core/modules/logon/auth/verification.php';
include 'core/modules/logon/bc/applicationuserbuscomp.class.php';
include 'core/application/application.class.php';
// once the whole thing is setup we don't need to run it;
$GLOBALS['initDone'] = true;
#Create Application context
$application = new Application();
if ($application->initialize() == false) {
$GLOBALS["USE_CMS"] = true;
//$page_title = $GLOBALS["APP_TITLE"] . "";
//echo "Maintenance";
ini_set('memory_limit', '3048M');
#Authentification/Login and open main view block
include "config/includepath.php";
include 'core/application/auth/auth_header.php';
//if(isset($_SESSION["isLogged"]) && $_SESSION["isLogged"]) {
#Check permissions
//include 'modules/logon/auth/verification.php';
//header ("Location: /modules/dashboard/views/dashboardview.php");
// exit();
#Close main view block
//include "core/application/auth/auth_footer.php";
Key | Value |
PHPSESSID | "fg5rt0sicj8j16spuchicc7cr9"
Key | Value |
isLogged | true
timeout | 1741895417
lang | "ENU"
skinName | "scrm"
userId | -1
HTTP_USER_AGENT | "fac378ac3b3d3886829021b3309d4fd1"
USER_ADDRESS | "5a61eae2c56646b0f2317ca67a378996"
login | "public"
firstName | "public"
lastName | "public"
userType | "public"
emailAddress | "" |
accountName | "" |
accountCode | "" |
accountId | "" |
login_time_stamp | 1741895417
AttachmentDeleteMode | 1
userRole | null
BCREGISTRY | array:71 [ "cmslanguage" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "cmslanguage" "bcpath" => "cmslanguage" "name" => "cmslanguagebuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Cmslanguage" "bcobjectcode" => "cmslanguage" "displayId" => "cmslanguageDisplayId" "displayName" => "cmslanguageDisplayName" "displayNameField" => null "relations" => array:1 [ 0 => "" ] "ischildof" => null "fields" => array:23 [ "id" => array:12 [ …12] "created" => array:12 [ …12] "createdBy" => array:12 [ …12] "updated" => array:12 [ …12] "updatedBy" => array:12 [ …12] "uuid" => array:12 [ …12] "page_uuid" => array:12 [ …12] "component_uuid" => array:12 [ …12] "menulink_uuid" => array:12 [ …12] "lang" => array:12 [ …12] "module_name" => array:12 [ …12] "p_title" => array:12 [ …12] "p_mtitle" => array:12 [ …12] "p_mdesc" => array:12 [ …12] "p_mkeywords" => array:12 [ …12] "p_headerimg" => array:12 [ …12] "p_matnummer" => array:12 [ …12] "c_title" => array:12 [ …12] "c_buttontitle" => array:12 [ …12] "c_link" => array:12 [ …12] "c_image" => array:12 [ …12] "c_content" => array:12 [ …12] "c_alt" => array:12 [ …12] ] "displayModes" => array:1 [ 0 => 4 ] "tableName" => "icrm_cmslanguage" "sqlName" => "t1.uuid" "slimBc" => true "coreModule" => false "dynamicTooltip" => null "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => true "routes" => array:2 [ "fullPath" => "/var/www/vhosts/" "name" => "cmslanguage" ] ] "locationcode" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "locationcode" "bcpath" => "locationcode" "name" => "locationcodebuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "" "bcobjectcode" => "locationcode" "displayId" => "locationcodeDisplayId" "displayName" => "locationcodeDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ 0 => "" ] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:11 [ "id" => array:12 [ …12] "created" => array:12 [ …12] "createdBy" => array:12 [ …12] "updated" => array:12 [ …12] "updatedBy" => array:12 [ …12] "integrationId" => array:12 [ …12] "name" => array:12 [ …12] "code" => array:12 [ …12] "canton" => array:12 [ …12] "active" => array:12 [ …12] "ocVersion" => array:12 [ …12] ] "displayModes" => array:4 [ 0 => 0 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 4 ] "tableName" => "icrm_locationcode" "sqlName" => "CONCAT(t1.postalcode, CONCAT(' - '," "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => false "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false "routes" => array:2 [ "fullPath" => "/var/www/vhosts/" "name" => "locationcode" ] ] "offerruleoption" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "offerruleoption" "bcpath" => "offerruleoption" "name" => "offerruleoptionbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Offerruleoption" "bcobjectcode" => "offerruleoption" "displayId" => "offerruleoptionDisplayId" "displayName" => "offerruleoptionDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ 0 => "" ] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:10 [ "id" => array:12 [ …12] "created" => array:12 [ …12] "createdBy" => array:12 [ …12] "updated" => array:12 [ …12] "updatedBy" => array:12 [ …12] "integrationId" => array:12 [ …12] "offerRule" => array:12 [ …12] "position" => array:12 [ …12] "type" => array:12 [ …12] "ocVersion" => array:12 [ …12] ] "displayModes" => array:1 [ 0 => 4 ] "tableName" => "icrm_offerruleoption" "sqlName" => "t1.offer_rule_id" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => false "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false "routes" => array:2 [ "fullPath" => "/var/www/vhosts/" "name" => "offerruleoption" ] ] "zoomwebinar" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "zoomwebinar" "bcpath" => "zoomwebinar" "name" => "zoomwebinarbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Zoom Webinar" "bcobjectcode" => "zoomwebinar" "displayId" => "zoomwebinarDisplayId" "displayName" => "zoomwebinarDisplayName" "displayNameField" => null "relations" => array:1 [ 0 => "" ] "ischildof" => null "fields" => array:30 [ "id" => array:12 [ …12] "created" => array:12 [ …12] "createdBy" => array:12 [ …12] "updated" => array:12 [ …12] "updatedBy" => array:12 [ …12] "integrationId" => array:12 [ …12] "name" => array:12 [ …12] "topic" => array:12 [ …12] "agenda" => array:12 [ …12] "start_date" => array:12 [ …12] "end_date" => array:12 [ …12] "settingsFields" => array:12 [ …12] "survey_url" => array:12 [ …12] "host_video" => array:12 [ …12] "panelists_video" => array:12 [ …12] "hd_video" => array:12 [ …12] "approval_type" => array:12 [ …12] "close_registration" => array:12 [ …12] "registrants_restrict_number" => array:12 [ …12] "registrants_email_notification" => array:12 [ …12] "registrants_confirmation_email" => array:12 [ …12] "allow_multiple_devices" => array:12 [ …12] "panelists_invitation_email_notification" => array:12 [ …12] "practice_session" => array:12 [ …12] "contact_email" => array:12 [ …12] "contact_name" => array:12 [ …12] "storeFields" => array:12 [ …12] "event_id" => array:12 [ …12] "event_uuid" => array:12 [ …12] "start_url" => array:12 [ …12] ] "displayModes" => array:1 [ 0 => 4 ] "tableName" => "icrm_zoomwebinar" "sqlName" => "" "slimBc" => true "coreModule" => false "dynamicTooltip" => null "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => true "routes" => array:2 [ "fullPath" => "/var/www/vhosts/" "name" => "zoomwebinar" ] ] "brand" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "brand" "bcpath" => "brand" "name" => "brandbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Brand" "bcobjectcode" => "brand" "displayId" => "brandDisplayId" "displayName" => "brandDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ 0 => "" ] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:11 [ "id" => array:12 [ …12] "created" => array:12 [ …12] "createdBy" => array:12 [ …12] "updated" => array:12 [ …12] "updatedBy" => array:12 [ …12] "integrationId" => array:12 [ …12] "name" => array:12 [ …12] "language" => array:12 [ …12] "active" => array:12 [ …12] "logo" => array:12 [ …12] "ocVersion" => array:12 [ …12] ] "displayModes" => array:1 [ 0 => 4 ] "tableName" => "icrm_brand" "sqlName" => "" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => false "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false "routes" => array:2 [ "fullPath" => "/var/www/vhosts/" "name" => "brand" ] ] "userblacklist" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "userblacklist" "bcpath" => "userblacklist" "name" => "userblacklistbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Userblacklist" "bcobjectcode" => "userblacklist" "displayId" => "userblacklistDisplayId" "displayName" => "userblacklistDisplayName" "displayNameField" => null "relations" => array:1 [ 0 => "" ] "ischildof" => null "fields" => array:8 [ "id" => array:12 [ …12] "created" => array:12 [ …12] "createdBy" => array:12 [ …12] "updated" => array:12 [ …12] "updatedBy" => array:12 [ …12] "integrationId" => array:12 [ …12] "name" => array:12 [ …12] "domain" => array:12 [ …12] ] "displayModes" => array:1 [ 0 => 4 ] "tableName" => "icrm_userblacklist" "sqlName" => "" "slimBc" => true "coreModule" => false "dynamicTooltip" => null "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => true "routes" => array:2 [ "fullPath" => "/var/www/vhosts/" "name" => "userblacklist" ] ] "faq" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "faq" "bcpath" => "faq" "name" => "faqbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "" "bcobjectcode" => "faq" "displayId" => "faqDisplayId" "displayName" => "faqDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ 0 => "" ] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:18 [ "id" => array:12 [ …12] "created" => array:12 [ …12] "createdBy" => array:12 [ …12] "updated" => array:12 [ …12] "updatedBy" => array:12 [ …12] "integrationId" => array:12 [ …12] "name" => array:12 [ …12] "status" => array:12 [ …12] "category" => array:12 [ …12] "pos" => array:12 [ …12] "title_ger" => array:12 [ …12] "content_ger" => array:12 [ …12] "title_fra" => array:12 [ …12] "content_fra" => array:12 [ …12] "title_ita" => array:12 [ …12] "content_ita" => array:12 [ …12] "createdByLogin" => array:12 [ …12] "ocVersion" => array:12 [ …12] ] "displayModes" => array:4 [ 0 => 0 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 4 ] "tableName" => "icrm_faq" "sqlName" => "CONCAT(CONCAT(, ' - '), t1.created)" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => false "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false "routes" => array:2 [ "fullPath" => "/var/www/vhosts/" "name" => "faq" ] ] "loginhero" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "loginhero" "bcpath" => "loginhero" "name" => "loginherobuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Loginhero" "bcobjectcode" => "loginhero" "displayId" => "loginheroDisplayId" "displayName" => "loginheroDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ 0 => "" ] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:28 [ "id" => array:12 [ …12] "created" => array:12 [ …12] "createdBy" => array:12 [ …12] "updated" => array:12 [ …12] "updatedBy" => array:12 [ …12] "integrationId" => array:12 [ …12] "title_ger" => array:12 [ …12] "title_fra" => array:12 [ …12] "title_ita" => array:12 [ …12] "description_ger" => array:12 [ …12] "description_fra" => array:12 [ …12] "description_ita" => array:12 [ …12] "active" => array:12 [ …12] "type" => array:12 [ …12] "picture" => array:12 [ …12] "link_ger" => array:12 [ …12] "link_fra" => array:12 [ …12] "link_ita" => array:12 [ …12] "linkTitle_ger" => array:12 [ …12] "linkTitle_fra" => array:12 [ …12] "linkTitle_ita" => array:12 [ …12] "offer" => array:12 [ …12] "expireDate" => array:12 [ …12] "startDate" => array:12 [ …12] "expireDateView" => array:12 [ …12] "startDateView" => array:12 [ …12] "isLoginheroVisible" => array:12 [ …12] "ocVersion" => array:12 [ …12] ] "displayModes" => array:4 [ 0 => 0 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 4 ] "tableName" => "icrm_loginhero" "sqlName" => "CONCAT(CONCAT(t1.title, ' - '), t1.created)" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => false "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false "routes" => array:2 [ "fullPath" => "/var/www/vhosts/" "name" => "loginhero" ] ] "page" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "page" "bcpath" => "page" "name" => "pagebuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Pages" "bcobjectcode" => "page" "displayId" => "pageDisplayId" "displayName" => "pageDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => [] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:22 [ "id" => array:12 [ …12] "created" => array:12 [ …12] "createdBy" => array:12 [ …12] "updated" => array:12 [ …12] "updatedBy" => array:12 [ …12] "integrationId" => array:12 [ …12] "name" => array:12 [ …12] "slug" => array:12 [ …12] "title_ita" => array:12 [ …12] "title_fra" => array:12 [ …12] "title_ger" => array:12 [ …12] "content_ita" => array:12 [ …12] "content_fra" => array:12 [ …12] "content_ger" => array:12 [ …12] "snippet_ita" => array:12 [ …12] "snippet_fra" => array:12 [ …12] "snippet_ger" => array:12 [ …12] "style_css" => array:12 [ …12] "redirect" => array:12 [ …12] "public" => array:12 [ …12] "active" => array:12 [ …12] "ocVersion" => array:12 [ …12] ] "displayModes" => array:1 [ 0 => 4 ] "tableName" => "icrm_page" "sqlName" => "CONCAT(t1.name_val)" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => false "dynamicTooltip" => true "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false "routes" => array:2 [ "fullPath" => "/var/www/vhosts/" "name" => "page" ] ] "rating" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "rating" "bcpath" => "rating" "name" => "ratingbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Rating" "bcobjectcode" => "rating" "displayId" => "ratingDisplayId" "displayName" => "ratingDisplayName" "displayNameField" => null "relations" => array:1 [ 0 => "" ] "ischildof" => null "fields" => array:8 [ "id" => array:12 [ …12] "created" => array:12 [ …12] "createdBy" => array:12 [ …12] "updated" => array:12 [ …12] "updatedBy" => array:12 [ …12] "module" => array:12 [ …12] "entityId" => array:12 [ …12] "rating" => array:12 [ …12] ] 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"offerbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Offer" "bcobjectcode" => "offer" "displayId" => "offerDisplayId" "displayName" => "offerDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ 0 => "" ] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:20 [ "id" => array:12 [ …12] "created" => array:12 [ …12] "createdBy" => array:12 [ …12] "updated" => array:12 [ …12] "updatedBy" => array:12 [ …12] "integrationId" => array:12 [ …12] "name" => array:12 [ …12] "slug" => array:12 [ …12] "startTime" => array:12 [ …12] "endTime" => array:12 [ …12] "design" => array:12 [ …12] "status" => array:12 [ …12] "offerLink" => array:12 [ …12] "offerProduct" => array:12 [ …12] "offerRule" => array:12 [ …12] "offerPopup" => array:12 [ …12] "language" => array:12 [ …12] "filterCanton" => array:12 [ …12] "filterLocationCode" => array:12 [ …12] "ocVersion" => array:12 [ …12] ] "displayModes" => array:4 [ 0 => 0 …3 ] "tableName" => "icrm_offer" "sqlName" => "" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => false 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"formstorebuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Formstore" "bcobjectcode" => "formstore" "displayId" => "formstoreDisplayId" "displayName" => "formstoreDisplayName" "displayNameField" => null "relations" => array:1 [ …1] "ischildof" => null "fields" => array:18 [ …18] "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "icrm_formstore" "sqlName" => "t1.form_uuid" "slimBc" => true "coreModule" => false "dynamicTooltip" => null "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => true "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] "orderitem" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "orderitem" "bcpath" => "orderitem" "name" => "orderitembuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Orderitem" "bcobjectcode" => "orderitem" "displayId" => "orderitemDisplayId" "displayName" => "orderitemDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ …1] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:14 [ …14] "displayModes" => array:4 [ …4] "tableName" => "icrm_orderitem" "sqlName" => "CONCAT( (SELECT name from icrm_product p where = t1.product_id), " - ", t1.created)" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => false "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] "iform" => array:21 [ "bcname" => "iform" "bcpath" => "iform" "name" => "iformbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "" "bcobjectcode" => "iform" "displayId" => "iformDisplayId" "displayName" => "iformDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ …1] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:11 [ …11] "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "icrm_iform" "sqlName" => "CONCAT(CONCAT(, ' - '), t1.created)" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false ] "aclright" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "aclright" "bcpath" => "aclright" "name" => "aclrightbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Aclright" "bcobjectcode" => "aclright" "displayId" => "aclrightDisplayId" "displayName" => "aclrightDisplayName" "displayNameField" => null "relations" => array:1 [ …1] "ischildof" => null "fields" => array:12 [ …12] "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "icrm_acl_right" "sqlName" => "t1.name_deu" "slimBc" => true "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => null "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => true "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] "lovlist" => array:21 [ "bcname" => "lovlist" "bcpath" => "lovlist" "name" => "lovlistbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "LOV-Lists" "bcobjectcode" => "lovlist" "displayId" => "lovlistDisplayId" "displayName" => "lovlistDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ …1] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:11 [ …11] "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "icrm_lovlist" "sqlName" => "t1.table_name" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false ] "multicheck" => array:21 [ "bcname" => "multicheck" "bcpath" => "multicheck" "name" => "multicheckbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Custom Multicheck Radios and Checkboxes" "bcobjectcode" => "multicheck" "displayId" => "multicheckDisplayId" "displayName" => "multicheckDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ …1] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:18 [ …18] "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "icrm_multicheck" "sqlName" => "CONCAT(t1.module, " - ", t1.field)" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false ] "audittrail" => array:21 [ "bcname" => "audittrail" "bcpath" => "audittrail" "name" => "audittrailbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Audit-Trail" "bcobjectcode" => "audittrail" "displayId" => "audittrailDisplayId" "displayName" => "audittrailDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ …1] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:12 [ …12] "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "icrm_audit_trial" "sqlName" => "t1.table_name" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false ] "kanban" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "kanban" "bcpath" => "kanban" "name" => "kanbanbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Kanban Boards" "bcobjectcode" => "kanban" "displayId" => "kanbanDisplayId" "displayName" => "kanbanDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ …1] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:14 [ …14] "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "icrm_kanban" "sqlName" => "CONCAT(t1.prefix, " - ", t1.module)" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => true "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] "tooltip" => array:21 [ "bcname" => "tooltip" "bcpath" => "tooltip" "name" => "tooltipbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Tooltip Boards" "bcobjectcode" => "tooltip" "displayId" => "tooltipDisplayId" "displayName" => "tooltipDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ …1] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:10 [ …10] "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "icrm_tooltip" "sqlName" => "CONCAT(t1.module, " - ", t1.field)" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false ] "useractivities" => array:21 [ "bcname" => "useractivities" "bcpath" => "useractivities" "name" => "useractivitiesbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "" "bcobjectcode" => "useractivities" "displayId" => "useractivitiesDisplayId" "displayName" => "useractivitiesDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ …1] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:14 [ …14] "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "icrm_useractivities" "sqlName" => "t1.timestamp - t1.ip" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false ] "elmanager" => array:21 [ "bcname" => "elmanager" "bcpath" => "elmanager" "name" => "elmanagerbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Searchqueries" "bcobjectcode" => "elmanager" "displayId" => "elmanagerDisplayId" "displayName" => "elmanagerDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => [] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:13 [ …13] "displayModes" => array:2 [ …2] "tableName" => "icrm_elmanager" "sqlName" => "" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false ] "roles" => array:21 [ "bcname" => "roles" "bcpath" => "roles" "name" => "rolesbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Roles" "bcobjectcode" => "roles" "displayId" => "roleDisplayId" "displayName" => "roleDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => [] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:8 [ …8] "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "icrm_role" "sqlName" => "t1.name_enu" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false ] "rights" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "rights" "bcpath" => "rights" "name" => "rightsbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Rights" "bcobjectcode" => "rights" "displayId" => "rightDisplayId" "displayName" => "rightDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => [] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:15 [ …15] "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "icrm_rights" "sqlName" => "t1.technical_name" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] "asset" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "asset" "bcpath" => "asset" "name" => "assetbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Assets" "bcobjectcode" => "asset" "displayId" => "assetDisplayId" "displayName" => "assetDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ …1] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:15 [ …15] "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "icrm_asset" "sqlName" => "CONCAT(t1.object_title)" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => true "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] "applicationuser" => array:21 [ "bcname" => "applicationuser" "bcpath" => "logon" "name" => "applicationuserbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "" "bcobjectcode" => "applicationUser" "displayId" => null "displayName" => null "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => [] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:12 [ …12] "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "icrm_user" "sqlName" => "" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false ] "aclrole" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "aclrole" "bcpath" => "aclrole" "name" => "aclrolebuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Aclrole" "bcobjectcode" => "aclrole" "displayId" => "aclroleDisplayId" "displayName" => "aclroleDisplayName" "displayNameField" => null "relations" => array:1 [ …1] "ischildof" => null "fields" => array:8 [ …8] "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "icrm_acl_role" "sqlName" => "t1.name_deu" "slimBc" => true "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => null "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => true "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] "formdisplay" => array:21 [ "bcname" => "formdisplay" "bcpath" => "formdisplay" "name" => "formdisplaybuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "" "bcobjectcode" => "formdisplay" "displayId" => "formdisplayDisplayId" "displayName" => "formdisplayDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ …1] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:9 [ …9] "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "icrm_ilumeform" "sqlName" => "" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false ] "deletecontrol" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "deletecontrol" "bcpath" => "deletecontrol" "name" => "deletecontrolbuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "DSGVO Settings" "bcobjectcode" => "deletecontrol" "displayId" => "deletecontrolDisplayId" "displayName" => "deletecontrolDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => array:1 [ …1] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:12 [ …12] "displayModes" => array:4 [ …4] "tableName" => "icrm_deletecontrol" "sqlName" => "" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] "searchquery" => array:21 [ "bcname" => "searchquery" "bcpath" => "searchquery" "name" => "searchquerybuscomp.class.php" "langName" => "Searchqueries" "bcobjectcode" => "searchquery" "displayId" => "searchqueryDisplayId" "displayName" => "searchqueryDisplayName" "displayNameField" => "name" "relations" => [] "ischildof" => false "fields" => array:12 [ …12] "displayModes" => array:2 [ …2] "tableName" => "icrm_searchquery" "sqlName" => "" "slimBc" => false "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => false ] "playground" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "playground" "bcpath" => "playground" "name" => "dummy" "langName" => "playground" "bcobjectcode" => "playground" "displayId" => "playground" "displayName" => "playground" "displayNameField" => "null" "relations" => [] "ischildof" => null "fields" => null "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "playground" "sqlName" => "playground" "slimBc" => null "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => null "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] "bootstrapper" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "bootstrapper" "bcpath" => "bootstrapper" "name" => "dummy" "langName" => "bootstrapper" "bcobjectcode" => "bootstrapper" "displayId" => "bootstrapper" "displayName" => "bootstrapper" "displayNameField" => "null" "relations" => [] "ischildof" => null "fields" => null "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "bootstrapper" "sqlName" => "bootstrapper" "slimBc" => null "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => null "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] "frontend" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "frontend" "bcpath" => "frontend" "name" => "dummy" "langName" => "frontend" "bcobjectcode" => "frontend" "displayId" => "frontend" "displayName" => "frontend" "displayNameField" => "null" "relations" => [] "ischildof" => null "fields" => null "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "frontend" "sqlName" => "frontend" "slimBc" => null "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => null "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] "formdesigner" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "formdesigner" "bcpath" => "formdesigner" "name" => "dummy" "langName" => "formdesigner" "bcobjectcode" => "formdesigner" "displayId" => "formdesigner" "displayName" => "formdesigner" "displayNameField" => "null" "relations" => [] "ischildof" => null "fields" => null "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "formdesigner" "sqlName" => "formdesigner" "slimBc" => null "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => null "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] "certificate" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "certificate" "bcpath" => "certificate" "name" => "dummy" "langName" => "certificate" "bcobjectcode" => "certificate" "displayId" => "certificate" "displayName" => "certificate" "displayNameField" => "null" "relations" => [] "ischildof" => null "fields" => null "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "certificate" "sqlName" => "certificate" "slimBc" => null "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => null "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] "modulemanager" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "modulemanager" "bcpath" => "modulemanager" "name" => "dummy" "langName" => "modulemanager" "bcobjectcode" => "modulemanager" "displayId" => "modulemanager" "displayName" => "modulemanager" "displayNameField" => "null" "relations" => [] "ischildof" => null "fields" => null "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "modulemanager" "sqlName" => "modulemanager" "slimBc" => null "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => null "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] "cms" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "cms" "bcpath" => "cms" "name" => "dummy" "langName" => "cms" "bcobjectcode" => "cms" "displayId" => "cms" "displayName" => "cms" "displayNameField" => "null" "relations" => [] "ischildof" => null "fields" => null "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "cms" "sqlName" => "cms" "slimBc" => null "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => null "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] "logs" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "logs" "bcpath" => "logs" "name" => "dummy" "langName" => "logs" "bcobjectcode" => "logs" "displayId" => "logs" "displayName" => "logs" "displayNameField" => "null" "relations" => [] "ischildof" => null "fields" => null "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "logs" "sqlName" => "logs" "slimBc" => null "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => null "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] "config" => array:22 [ "bcname" => "config" "bcpath" => "config" "name" => "dummy" "langName" => "config" "bcobjectcode" => "config" "displayId" => "config" "displayName" => "config" "displayNameField" => "null" "relations" => [] "ischildof" => null "fields" => null "displayModes" => array:1 [ …1] "tableName" => "config" "sqlName" => "config" "slimBc" => null "coreModule" => true "dynamicTooltip" => false "isProxyBased" => true "isDynamicBusComp" => false "buildConfig" => [] "hasForcedLview" => null "routes" => array:2 [ …2] ] ] |
IBCS | array:41 [ "OfferruleoptionBusComp" => __PHP_Incomplete_Class(OfferruleoptionBusComp) {#2 +caption: "offerruleoption" +captions: "offerruleoptions" +table: "icrm_offerruleoption" +file_inxed_table: "icrm_document_index" +standard_search_spec: "1 = 1" +standard_sort_spec: "t1.position ASC" +autocomplete_search_spec: "" +calculateBar: false +calculateBarFields: [] +customCalendarBar: false +sqlLabel: "t1.offer_rule_id" +filterConfig: array:6 [ …6] +hideEditListCheckbox: false +hideEditListEditLink: false +customEditListEditLink: false +setDefaultValuesInSubFieldsForNMs: false +setReloadFormAfterPick: false +hasForcedLview: false +defaultAppDisplayMode: 4 +possibleAppDisplayMode: array:1 [ …1] +tabs: array:1 [ …1] +model: null +full_search_alternative_field: "" +FVIEW_VALIDATION_TYPE: "on_save" +pre_queries: array:43 [ …43] +BC_PRE_QUERY_CAPTION: 0 +BC_PRE_QUERY_SEARCH_SPEC: 1 +BC_PRE_QUERY_SEARCH_VALUE: 2 +joins: [] +BC_JOIN_TABLE: 0 +BC_JOIN_SQL: 1 +BC_JOIN_KEY_COLUMN: 2 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